Ergo triggers (shown on the left) in comparison to OEM or original triggers (shown on the right) tend to help those who press the bottom edge of the triggers. The lower profile and smooth edge allow for the user to not naturally press on the edge of the trigger as well as slide off the bottom of the trigger, a method used by some. The ergo triggers are a custom shape made by me but inspired by other casters (2GhostsGaming and NoJonsMods) who have done very similar shapes.
I have casted resin backshells with plans to cast frontshells as well. These resin casted controller shells allow for translucent designs, and other non-painted designs (like this glow in the dark backshell). With new controller motherboards and their notch calibration features, I plan on casting resin frontshells with firefox/shield-drop/wavedash (and more) notches that are meant to be used with capable motherboards.